Friern Residential Care Home London England N11 3HX Assisted living residence QLM DIRECT
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– the service is performing badly and we've taken enforcement action against the provider of the service. Comments included, “nothing needs changing” and “it’s the best place I’ve lived in.” Most people felt their support needs were understood. We found that the planning and delivery of care met people’s needs. However, people told us there was little to do despite activities being planned, and that they had no involvement in their care plans.

People who use the service informed us that staff were competent and professional in the approach. Staff we spoke with were knowledgeable regarding the individual needs of people who use the service and were able to communicate effectively with them. The records indicated that most staff had been given the necessary essential training. However, two staff who had been working for more than six months had not been provided with induction. The home had consulted with people who use the service regarding the activities to be organised for them and their care arrangements. Assessments had been carried out and care plans had been prepared for people who use the service.
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The service had addressed this issue and people now participated in a range of different social activities and were supported to aces the community. They also participated in shopping for the home and their own needs and were supported to maintain a healthy diet. People in care homes receive accommodation and nursing or personal care as single package under one contractual agreement. CQC regulates both the premises and the care provided, and both were looked at during this inspection.
Your daily news has saved me a lot of time and keeps me up-to-date with what is happening in the market, I like that you almost always have a link to the source origin. We also use your market data in our Strategic Business Process to support our business decisions. By having everything in one place on the Intelligence Center it has saved me a lot of time versus looking on different sources, the alert function also helps with this. The Provider has not yet updated their profile and added details of the services and facilities they offer. If you are the provider and would like to do this, please click the "Do you run this home" button under the Description tab.
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Four could not be reconciled and we could not be sure if they were being administered as prescribed.
Managers told us about the training in the safe handling of medicines that all staff had received and also the audits that they regularly carried out to ensure that medicines were given appropriately. This inspection was carried out because of concerns observed about the safe handling of medication at an inspection in January 2014. People told us they were happy with the care and support they received. Staff demonstrated that they were caring and always ensured they treated people with dignity and respect. Contact us at the Consulting WP office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.
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Most people were happy with the services and how staff treated them. Comments included, “we’re treated like kings.” We found that there were better overall standards of occupation of people, and that people’s views were taken into account in respect of service delivery. People also had clearer support plans in respect of their looked-after money. During this inspection we talked to two people who live in the home. Neither person was able to take their own medicines because of their medical conditions.

You can also avail the option of purchasing stand-alone sections of the report or request for a country specific report. This is the food hygiene rating for Friern Residential Care Home based in Barnet in the London area. The Cotswold Home is a traditional property not far from Burford, where up to fifty-one residents can enjoy highly-skilled nursing and personal care. This award-winning service combines comfortable…Learn more about The Cotswold Home... If this service has not had a CQC inspection since it registered with us, our judgement may be based on our assessment of declarations and evidence supplied by the service.
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They stated that improvements had been made in the home recently. They spoke positively of staff and stated that staff were pleasant and they had been treated with respect and dignity. People who use the service told us that their needs had been attended to and they were well cared for. They spoke positively of staff and indicated that staff had treated them with respect and dignity.

However, we found that medicines were not always safely kept, because a medicine requiring refrigeration was not stored at an appropriate temperature to ensure the potency of the medicine. During this inspection we observed medicines given to two people at lunchtime. We saw that people came individually to the office and their medicines were given professionally. The administration record was signed after the medicine had been observed as swallowed.
The Care Quality Commission is the independent regulator of health and social care in England. It monitors and inspects services, to make sure they are safe, effective and provide high-quality care. Archived services are ones which are no longer part of a provider's registration with CQC. You can find out more about archived services and how you can use the information on our page about searching for the history of care services.
The luxury home provides a range of care services for older people including residential care, …Learn more about Gracewell of Maids Moreton... Most people told us they were happy with the cleanliness and maintenance of the building. However, even though there had been much refurbishment under the new provider, we found inappropriate standards of cleanliness and maintenance in parts of the premises.
People's views on the service were regularly sought and acted on. "GSP - Frankfurt High-Rise Residential Tower - Hesse - Project Profile" contains information on the scope of the project including project overview and location. The profile also details project ownership and funding, gives a full project description, as well as information on contracts, tendering and key project contacts. “The GlobalData platform is our go-to tool for intelligence services. We reviewed the information and data available to us about Friern Residential Care Home on 8 December 2022. We have not found evidence that we need to reassess the rating at this stage.
We found that appropriate checks were undertaken before staff began work, and that staff were supported in their work. However, we found minor concerns in respect of adequate maintenance and the proper operation of the premises. We carried out our own checks of records and stocks of medicines and could see that people were receiving their medicines as prescribed. There were sufficient numbers of suitably qualified, skilled and experienced staff to care for the number of people with complex needs in the home. Some staff told us that during busy periods they did not have as much time to spend with people. People were supported to have choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible.
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